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Various departments may place holds on a student’s record that prevent the student from registering for classes, ordering official transcripts, or even prevent awarding a degree.
Below is a list of all active holds, what the hold restricts (i.e. registration), a brief description, which department is responsible for the hold, and how to resolve it.
Major Department
Health Center
Each dropdown contains restrictions, hold descriptions, hold resolutions and office contact information
Restriction: Prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This hold is placed on the records of students who have not provided proof of two (2) doses of measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccinations.
Hold Resolution: Complete and submit the Auraria Immunization Compliance Form and attach your records designating two (2) doses of MMR to the Auraria Immunization Office.
For additional information about the Immunization Requirement including how to submit your Immunization Records, go to
Office Contact:
Auraria Immunizations
Plaza Building, Suite 149
Phone: 303-615-9997
Restriction: Prohibits transcripts and release of a diploma.
Hold Description: This is an equipment hold from the Access Center.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Access Center regarding the equipment you borrowed.
Office Contact:
Access Center & Testing Services
Plaza Building, Suite 122
Phone: 303-615-0200
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Accounting Department is requiring you to see the program coordinator.
Hold Resolution: Contact the department to schedule an appointment.
Office Contact:
Department of Accounting
Administration Building, Room 500C
Phone: 303-615-1114
Restriction: Hold Prohibits Registration
Hold Description: This hold is placed on all accounts with past due balances of more than $2000 without exception.
Hold Resolution: Contact Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how to have your account balance resolved. In most cases, paying your balance down to $2000 or less will resolve the hold.
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 150 (#4)
Phone: 303 615-0070
Fax: 303-556-4647
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This hold is for students who participated with the inter-institutional program. The department needs to resolve something related to the program.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Registrar to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Registrar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-556-3991
Restriction: Hold Prohibits Registration, and readmittance.
Hold Description: This hold is for delinquent accounts. Delinquent accounts will be turned over to a Collection Agency in accordance with Colorado law, and collection costs will be added to your account balance. The collection agency reports delinquent accounts to the national credit bureau on a monthly basis.
Hold Resolution: You must contact the Office of the Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how to have your account balance resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 92
Denver, CO 80217
Phone: 303 615-0070
Fax: 303-556-4647
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Dean of Students Office has a registration hold on your account related to a student conduct issue.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Dean of Students Office to determine your status.
Office Contact:
Dean of Students Office
Phone: 303-615-0220
Restriction: Hold prohibits application, registration, grades, transcripts, and release of a diploma.
Hold Description: The Dean of Students Office has an application, registration, grade, transcript, and release of diploma hold on your account related to a student conduct issue.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Dean of Students Office to determine your status.
Office Contact:
Dean of Students Office
Phone: 303-615-0220
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The University has not received your GED documentation proving that you have a GED.
Hold Resolution: You must obtain your official GED transcript from the institution where you received your GED. You may deliver this in person to the Office of Admissions in a sealed envelope. DO NOT UNSEAL! You may also have the institution mail an official GED transcript to:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Admissions
P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 16
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Records indicate that the student may have graduated and are no longer degree seeking.
Hold Resolution: Complete and submit the GRADTE form found on Financial Aid’s forms page
Office of Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This hold is placed due to missing High School Transcripts.
Hold Resolution: You must obtain your official HIGH SCHOOL transcript from the institution where you received your diploma. You may deliver this in person to the Office of Admissions in a sealed envelope. DO NOT UNSEAL! You may also have the institution mail an official high school transcript to:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Admissions
Campus Box 16, PO Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration
Hold Description: The Office of Admissions has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Admissions and meet with the International Admissions Counselor to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Active hold prohibits registration
Hold Description: International students attending on an F-1 visa and Exchange students on a J-1 visa are required to check-in with a Designated School Official (DSO)/Responsible Officer (RO) in a timely manner.
Hold Resolution: F-1 students must schedule an appointment with International Student Support and J-1 students must schedule an appointment with the Office of International Studies.
Office Contact:
F-1 International Students
Office of the Registrar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-605-5685
J-1 Exchange Students
Office of International Studies
Administration Building, Suite 360
Phone: 303-615-1222
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Industrial Design Department is requiring you to see an academic advisor.
Hold Resolution: Contact the department to make appointment.
Office Contact:
Department of Industrial Design
Boulder Building, Room 124
Phone: 303-615-0599
Restriction: Active hold prohibits registration
Hold Description: International students attending on an F-1 visa and Exchange Students on a J-1 visa are required to attend an orientation dedicated to student-specific resources and maintenance of status
Hold Resolution: F-1 students must speak with International Student Support and J-1 students must speak with the Office of International Studies after attending an International Exchange orientation session
Office Contact:
F-1 International Students
Office of the Registrar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-605-5685
J-1 Exchange Students
Office of International Studies
Administration Building, Suite 360
Phone: 303-615-1222
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration, release of a diploma.
Hold Description: This hold is for delinquent accounts turned over to collections and is going into legal status. At this point you owe collection costs & legal costs.
Hold Resolution: Contact Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 150 (#4)
Phone: 303-615-0070
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This hold is because you are missing credentials at the time of admittance. Examples of missing credentials are: high school transcripts, college/university transcripts, assessment scores, ACT/SAT, GED etc. All required credentials must be received no later than the fourth week of the term of enrollment. Degree-seeking students will not be permitted to register for a second semester until all required credentials are received.
Hold Resolution: Contact Office of Admissions to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Mail Missing Credentials to:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Admissions
PO Box 173362, Campus Box 16
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Master of Health Administration department is requiring you to see the program coordinator.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Coordinator for the Master of Health Administration program to determine your status and for advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Master of Health Administration
Health Professions
West Classroom 239
Phone: 303-615-1200
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Student Academic Success Center, Metro Scholars has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Coordinator for Student Academic Success and Metro Scholars to determine your status and advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Student Academic Success
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 230
Phone: 303-605-5427
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This is an instrument hold from the Music Department.
Hold Resolution: Contact The Music Department to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Department of Music
Arts Building 287
Phone: 303-615-1010
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records you have not completed Oral Communication General Education Requirements within 30 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: Go to the General Studies Holds Removal Canvas course here or follow the instructions below:
If you have difficulty logging-in, finding, or completing the course, please contact Advising Systems for more information.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records you have not completed Oral Communication General Education Requirements within 45 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: You must meet with an academic advisor to release this hold. Please see the Academic Advising website for more information and instructions for setting up an appointment.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Financial aid awards may be over their unmet need and/or Cost of Attendance.
Hold Resolution: Student does not need to take any action unless notified accordingly, the Financial Aid Office will process and correct the issue.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: All incoming degree-seeking students including first time students to college, and adult students are required to participate in New Student Orientation.
Hold Resolution: Visit New Student Orientation website for your orientation options.
Office Contact:
New Student Orientation
Tivoli Building, Suite 223
Phone: 303-615-0770
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: All incoming degree-seeking transfer students are required to participate in New Student Orientation.
Hold Resolution: Visit New Student Orientation website for your orientation options.
Office Contact:
New Student Orientation
Tivoli Building, Suite 223
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Students may possibly be receiving loans from another school.
Hold Resolution: Complete the OVERLP form found on Financial Aid’s forms page and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Center for Individualized Learning has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Center for Individualized Learning to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Center for Individualized Learning
Administration Building, Suite 360
Phone: 303-615-0525
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of the Bursar has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 150 (#4)
Phone: 303-615-0070
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Student Academic Success Center has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Coordinator for Student Academic Success and Metro Scholars to determine your status and advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Student Academic Success
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 230
Phone: 303-605-5427
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records, you have not completed the Quantitative Literacy General Education Requirement within 30 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: Go to the General Studies Holds Removal Canvas course here or follow the instructions below:
If you have difficulty logging-in, finding, or completing the course, please contact Advising Systems for more information.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records you have not completed the Quantitative Literacy General Education Requirement with 45 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: You must meet with an academic advisor to release this hold. Please see the Academic Advising website for more information and instructions for setting up an appointment.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of the Registrar, Veteran Education Benefits has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: You are required to make an appointment with a Veteran Certifying Official regarding your educational benefits. Feel free to email
Office Contact:
Office of the Registrar
Veteran Education Benefits
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-615-0044
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of the Bursar has a registration hold due to a returned check.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how your account can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 150 (#4)
Phone: 303-615-0070
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: You must reapply to the school.
Hold Resolution: Contact Office of Admissions to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of the Registrar is requiring you to meet with them.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Registrar to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Registrar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-556-3991
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The office of International Studies is requiring you to meet with the Study Abroad Coordinator.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of International Studies to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of International Studies
Central Classroom 206
Phone: 303-615-1222
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Department of Social Work Department is requiring you speak with the Office of Social Work Student Services.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of Social Work Student Services at for more information.
Office Contact:
Department of Social Work
Central Classroom 201
Phone: 303-615-0555
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: This hold is placed when there is an outstanding balance for services provided by the Health Center at Auraria.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Health Center at Auraria to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Health Center at Auraria
Plaza Building, Suite 150
Phone: 303-615-9955
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of the Registrar requires a copy of SSN card.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of the Registrar to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of the Registrar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 160 (#3)
Phone: 303-556-3991
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Office of Admissions has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact the Office of Admissions to determine your status and advice on how to your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Office of Admissions
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 180 (#1)
Phone: 303-556-3058
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: Athletes are not able to add/drop courses until they see the Athletic Department to ensure they are NCAA compliance.
Hold Resolution: Contact Intercollegiate Athletics Department to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Intercollegiate Athletics Department
Administration Building, Suite 560RR
Phone: 303-556-8300
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Student’s SSN that was submitted to the Office of Admission does not match the SSN received from FAFSA.
Hold Resolution: Provide the Office of Financial Aid your social security card to verify and correct the information.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: Student Support Services has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact Student Support Services to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Student Support Services
Jordan Student Success Building, Room 237
Phone: 303-605-5378
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Teacher Education Department is requiring you to see an advisor.
Hold Resolution: Contact the department to make an appointment.
Office Contact:
Department of Teacher Education
West Classroom 134
Phone: 303-615-1555
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Teacher Education department is requiring you to see the program coordinator.
Hold Resolution: Contact Sue to make appointment.
Office Contact:
Department of Teacher Education
West Classroom 132A
Phone: 303-615-1555
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Placed on each student’s financial aid account at least 7 days prior to the beginning of a semester. During this time, our institution will upload current information from the National Student Loan Data System.
Hold Resolution: None, this is just a processing hold. Hold should be lifted when the semester begins or before that.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: You have been provisionally accepted to MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: Please contact the English Department in order to complete the necessary steps to enroll.
Office Contact:
English Department
King Center 202
Phone: 303-615-1800
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Placed on student files that have a comment code of 359 on the student’s FAFSA and have missing transcripts from an institution in which the student attended during the past 3 academic years.
Hold Resolution: The Office of Financial Aid will review the circumstances surrounding the hold and notify the student in due time of the appropriate course of action accordingly.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits disbursement of funds.
Hold Description: Placed on student files due to failing to complete any credits during the previous semester and may be subject to Return of Funds calculation. No action is needed from the student, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships have 45 days to review these holds.
Hold Resolution: The Office of Financial Aid will review the circumstances surrounding the hold and notify the student in due time of the necessary steps they must take to remove the hold.
Office Contact:
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 303-556-8593
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records you have not completed the Written Communication General Education Requirement within 30 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: Go to the General Studies Holds Removal Canvas course here or follow the instructions below:
If you have difficulty logging-in, finding, or completing the course, please contact Advising Systems for more information.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: According to our records you have not completed the Written Communication General Education Requirement within 45 hours of enrollment at MSU Denver.
Hold Resolution: You must meet with an academic advisor to release this hold. Please see the Academic Advising website for more information and instructions for setting up an appointment.
Office Contact:
Find your advising office at
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration.
Hold Description: The Student Academic Center has a registration hold on you.
Hold Resolution: Contact Student Academic Success to determine your status and advice on how your hold can be resolved.
Office Contact:
Student Academic Success
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 230
Phone: 303-615-1919
Restriction: Hold prohibits registration, and diploma.
Hold Description: A write off hold is either a Balance Due hold, a Collections hold, or both. Student accounts are written off it they are one academic year old and have not had a payment to the account within one year. The balance is still owed to the school by the student, however they are written off for accounting purposes only.
Delinquent accounts are turned over to a Collection Agency in accordance with Colorado law, and collection costs will be added to your account balance. The collection agency reports delinquent accounts to the national credit bureau on a monthly basis.
Hold Resolution: You must contact the Office of the Bursar immediately to determine your account status and advice on how to have your account balance resolved.
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Bursar
PO Box 173362, Campus Box 92
Denver, CO 80217
Office Contact:
Office of the Bursar
Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 150 (#4)
Phone: 303-615-0070